Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Overcoming side effects

Have been trying to gather together a few words to describe my last couple of weeks but my energy levels have been so low I couldn't even think!! After our strawberry tea afternoon all my hair has now gone. This was a strange experience - many had told me it was their most traumatic part of the journey. It is distressing for anyone I think but I remind myself that it is only temporary. I have now got used to the bald look - maybe I'll muster up the courage to share it online some of these days. The wig does look good, if different, so I'll be able to go out in disguise! I now have a new respect for Harry Morrow hairstyles - your heads must be freezing all the time guys and pillows are now a funny sensation!!

The side effects of chemotherapy are at times challenging. We take so much for granted each day like the taste of our food. Whilst mine is being really compromised by a very metallic taste I find myself seeking after strong tastes to overcome the metal. Yesterday I found a real answer - Praise God. My friend came to visit with a new bandana. We had a really good time talking about God and as we did so I realised that the taste in My mouth had greatly improved. You see the sweet taste of God's name on my lips was enough to dispel the poison in my system. Believe me this is clearly a case of taste and see that He is good.

Another side effect has been tinnitus - the constant ringing sound in my ears. Now whilst I am learning to be content in all circumstances this ringing is not exactly a glorious melody in which to rest. Yesterday afternoon I actioned the words of scripture that God has not given me a spirit of timidity but of power and love and self control. (2 Tim 1 v7) So I got the ipod going at full blast with praise songs, ear phones in and voice belting out those words. Praising God is a powerful and effective weapon and the tinnitus was overcome. Isn't God just the absolute best. By the way the words of the beautiful song 'Healer' by Kari Jobe are perfect for such occasions.

Whilst I have no control over how my body will respond I do have choices to make daily how I will respond mentally and spiritually. Learning to be content in all circumstances has proven vital and God's promise in Isaiah 43 that I have been redeemed, paid for, am never alone, will pass trough waters which will not consume me and fire that will not burn me remains my steadfast security.


  1. Jean
    I think of you often and miss your warm smile around Carn. I followed your blog from the start but just wanted to send you a note today to say my thoughts and prayers are with you.

  2. Hi Jean just to let you know I am uplifting you in prayer and you came to my mind in church last night and I lifted you up to our amazing Savior and know He heard me and answers our prayers! May He bless you and your family richly! Love Lorraine Silo x ps missing our chats via phone and email!

  3. Great to read your blog Jean, our God is great and is a sweet taste like MUNUKA honey!

    I keep putting food out for the birds even making mixtures with Cookeen, still the most birds it attracts are those pesky hedge sparrows -- no wait a minute, God knows every sparrow that comes to my bird table and is interested in their well being so is He not so much more aware of every feeling we His children have. Every blessing, your fried. No need to reply , be thrilled He knows AND CARES. Matt. 10 v 29
    John Brown
