Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bring Your Red Umbrella

This is a wee story that has come to resemble my life over the past two years and is totally for this season.
Bring your red umbrella
When severe drought hit a small farming community in the Midwest, a local church called a prayer meeting and everybody showed up. Crisis has a way of getting our attention! As the pastor stood before his packed church he notice an 11-year-old girl sitting in the front row, beaming with excitement. Lying next to her was her bright red umbrella poised for use. The beauty and innocence of this sight made him smile as he compared the faith of this child with that of the rest of the people in the room. You see, the rest of them had just come to pray for rain; she had come to see God answer prayer!
One of the dangers of praying, is praying, yet not really expecting anything: "Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that ... He rewards those who earnestly seek Him' (hebrews 11:6 NIV). You say, 'So how do I get more faith?' By filling your mind with the scriptures! 'Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God' (Romans 10:17). When you immerse yourself in God's word an amazing thing happens; faith takes root and begins to grow. And faith is what makes your prayer effective.
But what if your prayer lines up with God's Word, yet the answer is delayed? Keep praying and believing! 'Do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised' (Hebrews 10:35-36 NIV). So when you pray for rain, bring your 'red umbrella!'


  1. Well done Jean, I have been checking all day to read your first completely solo post on your blog.
    It was probably a bit optomistic to check a 8.00am this morning, but it was worth waiting on.
    Lorraine and I enjoyed being with you last night, and as I have said many times you have the rare gift of encouraging and lifting people.
    I believe without a shadow of doubt that God will move in a special way to heal you in the coming weeks and months.
    Thank you for sharing your story with us all.

  2. This is real good Jean! 'when you immerse yourself in Gods word amazing things happen' Oh yes...Praise His name!

  3. Hi Jean
    Luv you lots.


  4. Margaret DavidsonJuly 2, 2009 at 3:17 PM

    Hi Jean, I'm not much use at this hi-tec stuff,but will have a trial run and follow Ian's instructions.Enjoyed your story yesterday. He is "able to do immeasurably more than all we could ask or even imagine"
    Love, Margaret D.

  5. Hi there "daughter"
    Thank you so much for sending us the link to your blog. It was so lovely to read it this morning. We trust that you will have showers of blessing that the umbrella is not big enough to hold!!
    Luv u lots
    Your other Dad & Mum

  6. hi Jean.
    What a great idea having this blog as we all know what you want us to pray for.Enjoy your weekend with your boys and your friend Judy.

    God Bless

  7. Hi Jean,
    Impressed with your use of technology - haven't a clue myself so had to get Andrew to help me with following your blog. Great idea to keep us well informed for prayer. Will be inspired by frogs in future! 2Cor 12:10
    Love Sharon

  8. hi jean,

    see mum and dad 2 have got on to the technology thing, so brother 2 will have a go too. hope you are keepin well!! say hi to hubby and boys!! praying for you all up here on north coast.

    love stephen, grace & kids

  9. Anna Louise ShepherdJuly 14, 2009 at 2:18 PM

    Hi Jean
    I was talking to Ella Wilson at a family do on sunday, she is my sister's mother-in-law, and apparently is connected to you. She told me about your surgery and I just wanted to send you my very best wishes and to let you know i am thinking about you and hoping and praying the treatment goes smoothly.

    I will follow your progress via this blog
    Take Care
    Anna Louise

  10. Hi Jean
    sorry it has taken me so long to get to read your blog (its great I am so impressed!) Julianne has been keeping me up to date. I just want you to know I am praying for you and your hubby and kids. You def made the moonwalk an easier task this year, what motivation!!!!Keep well. I will follow your progress on line. You offered me support when Shana was so sick and I wont forget that so if there is anything I can ever do please ask.
